December 14th, 2009
How many days has it been? How many days to go? I want to go out and play but duty of baking, trimming the tree and finish the presents I am sewing. I want to walk in the knee high snow, take pictures of the giant blue spruce we planted 25 years ago with its new white dress of gleasoning sparkle. I want to be out there not just to run and feed my four horses who are also rolling every morning when I let them out. I want to roll with them and make snow angles.
I want to gaze over the outside barn door and let the sight of deer crossing the now empty field, warm my soul, letting time lazily drift in my mind, all the sight my great creator has blessed me with. But no, dashing through the snow enter the chicken coop, fill their dishes, replace the heated water dish's nourishment, collect the three eggs they have faithfully delivered. throw them a package of baby carrots the the store was selling buy one get one free. The cabbage I put in a couple days back is almost gone.
But I don't regret the rush, and hussel bussel of these times. I can't wait for the 24 people milling around in my small house, the smiles and hugs will long remembered as I waist time gazing over that barn door. I will cherish the grand kids laughter and monkey business that all goes on. I can already imagine the joy each one will flash back at me when that special present is opened that I labored over both at the sewing machine and the crowd filled vessels that spill their artificial glitter out to me tempting me to spend more than my frugal budget allows.
Ahhhhhh, life is good, God is great, and so are all of you.
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