Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 22, 2010 Emanate.. Got That Feeling

November 21, 2010  Nature EMANTES God's life within us.

Lilies from last summer
      Here in Wisconsin we are experiencing our gloomy season.  Many dark cloudy days, rain, wind, and cool air greet us most times with a few
 sun warming the soul days, mixed in between.  As fall slides into winter, I look forward to our first snow.  It gives me that giddy feeling like when a flower emits its fragrance as I walk by, brushing shoulders with life itself.  A God life, EMANATES to me His creation wonderland push...  It brings my soul up front to His majestic wonderland.  Like the lilies above when they first bloomed I got that giddy feeling smelling their fragrance as I weeded below them, putting on mulch after the area was cleared.  My eyes gazed up at the miracle of life from my Creator, the scent filled me till smiles burst out with rejoicing similar to Easter Day.....they EMANATED their beauty into my inner soul.
     The first snow does that to me too!  I love it when I wake in the morning and open my eyes to a whole new world!  The tree limbs hold a graceful covering in the stillness of the white miracle. The tips of Pink cone flower seed,  sway to the wisp of wind with hats of fluffy white.

     Even the sputsy (plain sparrow) have more spark, flitting in to get their spot on the bird feeders.  The Blue Jays look more intense in there dress of blue, touched with black, the Red Poles almost meet the beauty of the bright red Cardinals against the snow.   Ahhhh  the beginning of winter.  The gray squirrel, a bushy -tailed rodent that lives in trees soon makes his appearance knocking the patches of snow off branches as he sails from limb to limb and finely arriving to be king of the feeder.  Flitting his tail and peering around as though he is making sure everyone knows who is in charge of the prize sunflower seeds.  No one challenges him but they line the trees  of black with white giving it the look of color in  a Christmas tree.  The jays start first demanding their spot on the opposite edge of the feeder.  My soul EMANATES  Joy from the high jinks of nature.  The weather man has promised us Thanksgiving day will begin this pleasurable experience of our winter wonderland.  I can't wait!!
                           Another wait holds anticipation of our new puppy.

Puppys have to stay with their mom until week before Christmas.

I can't wait for my surprise .....  We ordered a new Airedale puppy to join our now aging Gilly who is eight.  Gilly is short for Nigelia a lovely flower that resembles the Airedale the way the edges curl out.  We get Gilly groomed and bathed at Jolee Aire kennels about 2 to 3 months.  She is non shedding and I do brush her but not all the time.  I like her mussie look when her hair gets a little longer.

 We bought Gilly from Jolee Aire Kennels one of the best breeders of Airedales since the 1970's.  Joanne's Airedales are not only champions they are bred for a gentle temperament.  Gilly is the most gentle dog you could set eyes on and yet she has that spark and energy of a terriers.

Gilly taking a walk with Dick down our long driveway to get the mail

Gilly when she was half grown up.  Gypsy our lab in the background is all tuckered out but not Gilly, she is still ready to go and seems to be laughing all the time.  The joy radiates out of her to me, making me feel just as energetic as she is.

Gilly when she was a little puppy
  Airedales are called the giants of the terriers but their graceful stance give you that EMANATE giddiness when your eyes set upon them.  There is no other dog that can generate that feeling but then I can be a little prejudice I suppose..... Joanne's web sight is as follows or give them a call at 920766-6775 and she can give you oodles of information on these beautiful terriers!                              

Joanne has been sending me pictures of the puppys as they grow up while I wait on pins and needles for the day I can go pick up my fluff of love.


  Airedales are extremely smart, fun to live with, excellent with children (our grandkids love our Gilly)  Our cat mossies up to Gilly to have her ears rubbed,  and our sons dog follows her around like a shadow when we babyset their Cocker Spannell . As you can tell I have an everlasting EMANTED FEELING FROM my Gilly!  We could not bare to live without an Airedale in our lives so decided to get a puppy before Gilly gets too old to handle one.
Future blogs will most likely have many updates on our progress.

    That EMANTED FEELING  also comes from quilting material and yes buttons that I am collecting.  I get a lot of my new material from which has her link to her quilt shop.  I get her email every week and it is like a kid in a candy shop temptation.  I hold it down to my favorite material Moda, and try to stay in the range of colors and patterns that I can match my all ready waiting stash here at home.  The latest temptation I fell into full force after my gaze of EMANATED FEELINGS held with the picture of Imperial Collection 6 Vintage large Scattered Flowers pictured below from Fat Quarter shop.  I got other material too for the quilt blocks I am working on now.  But I just never saw anything so beautiful as this.

I have no idea of what I am going to do with it, but I loved it in the newsletter and love it even more now that I can gaze at it in person.  Any suggestions?

Pictured below is a couple of blocks done and need to be framed out for my quilt.  They also radiate to me EMINATE JOY!

The chicken was appliqued with a zigzag stitch on my Viking sewing machine.  the material it rests on, will be cut to frame it.  The pattern I bought from Florine Johnson Designs.  She has lots of rosters in all shapes and sizes and many other patterns.

 This block is embroidered and appliqued by hand. I used button with beads on vines  It will be framed with the material it is resting on now.  I will be embroidering and adding things like in a crazy quilt but it will be all cotton. The block is an idea I found on the Internet but cannot find the blog to get permission to use her idea.  It is a blog from France I think.  If I find out i will include it in next blog.  I always like to give credit to the one who had the idea first.  There were no patterns to buy or I would have sent for them...

Corinthians 1:3-4 is perfect for Thanksgiving.....
"Grace to you and peace from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God always concerning you
for the grace of God which was given to
you by Christ Jesus"

May your lives Emanate this Thanksgiving to all you touch tomorrow as you celebrate life, love, and our great country that has given us all these opportunities to behold.


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